Chris Franklin and Robert Kelly. (STAY THE F*CK AT HOME)
Stay the Fuck at Home
Robert Kelly
Lyric by Chris Franklin (see
Stay the Fuck at Home
Robert Kelly
Lyric by Chris Franklin (see
Das serbische Nationaltheater spielt aus Solidarität für das Corona-geplagte Italien das italienische Partisanenlied «Bella Ciao» – und das auf spektakuläre Weise. #srfzämedure
Aus fb: Was machen Tourtechniker, Musiker, Schriftsteller und Schauspieler, wenn Sie Zwangspause haben?
Ein online Festival, für die Helden des Alltags, die gerade jetzt dafür sorgen, dass die Welt sich weiter dreht. Spontan, ungeprobt, wahrscheinlich die verrückteste Jam Session überhaupt.
Auf, YouTube und den meisten teilnehmenden Künstler Seiten auf Facebook.
Seid Lieb zueinander.
@mousstigram @doropesch_officialpage @gpsmusik @sebastianfitzek @katy.karrenbauer @rheinneckarfernsehen @pur_band @roachfordmusic @henningbaum_offiziell @nelsonmueller @phil_fuldner @stylewarz @farrissounds #tonil @emma.lanford @marta.jandova @micdonet @flinte_musik @alina.officiall @pohlmannmusic @max_mutzke_official @laithaldeen_official @alexdiehlmusik @paulomendoncaguitar @gastone_music @sevenmusic
Hey Everyone, I know you are all really freaked out right now. I am too. And while I’m proud that we’re all doing the necessary things at the moment to help flatten the curve, I know it has left us all incredibly isolated. But because we’re all going through this nightmare together we are quite literally NOT alone. Our lives and stories are all linked, maybe more now than they have ever been. Be it with DCFC, Postal Service, or solo I have always been grateful for the honor you have bestowed upon us by choosing to congregate en masse around our music. Some of you have traveled great distances and/or shelled out large sums of money to see us play and that has never been lost on me. So in this crazy and unprecedented time, I’d like to return the favor by coming to YOU. For the next few weeks I will be playing songs everyday from my home studio. We will be streaming on YouTube at 4pm PST daily. We’re still working out the details but I’m hoping to take some requests and maybe even have a guest or two stop by digitally. The first show will be tomorrow. It will assuredly be a little wonky and glitchy but we’re gonna do our best. See You Tomorrow.
Christine And The Queens is staging nightly live shows from the Ferber recording studio in Paris.
„Why not meet everyday at 6pm EST on my Instagram?“ wrote the star in a message to fans. „I’ll find a way to deal with the ennui. Guests and weird concepts included.“
The first video in the series is performing an acoustic version of her current single, People I’ve Been Sad, followed around by a camera operator on a squeaky bicycle.
Juste comme ça, vers 18 heures, parce que c’est assez joli de se donner un rendez-vous ensemble chaque jour pour tromper l’ennui. Concepts douteux et invités mystère sont à prévoir dans les jours qui viennent. Courage et prenez soin de vous #ensembleàlamaison Let’s meet everyday around 6pm CET on my Instagram. I’ll find a way to deal with the ENNUI. Guests and weird concepts included. Today : @bastien__d @_melissambre_ @vincent.taurelle
Álvaro Soler Live auf Instagram beim #WirBleibenZuhause Festival
@johnfogerty (joined by his dog Creedence) performs classics from his home in Los Angeles in our latest episode of “In My Room.” Video by @kevinestradaphotography