Bright Minded: Live with Miley Cyrus – Episode 1: Dr. Amen


Bright Minded: Live with Miley @ 11:30 am PT Mon-Fri on instagram! Connecting w/ special guests discussing how to stay LIT in dark times! 🌈

Corona Comedy Show |Wenn Comedians zuhause bleiben mĂŒssen :D


Corona Comedy Show wenn Comedians wegen Corona nicht auftreten dĂŒrfen machen wir uns unsere eigene BĂŒhne 😀 😀 Leider waren im Publikum keine Deutschen heute da nur Albaner TĂŒrken und Araber 😀 #Zugabe #zugabe #coronamachtkreativ

Christine And The Queens

Christine And The Queens is  staging nightly live shows from the Ferber recording studio in Paris.
„Why not meet everyday at 6pm EST on my Instagram?“ wrote the star in a message to fans. „I’ll find a way to deal with the ennui. Guests and weird concepts included.“
The first video in the series is performing an acoustic version of her current single, People I’ve Been Sad, followed around by a camera operator on a squeaky bicycle.

Juste comme ça, vers 18 heures, parce que c’est assez joli de se donner un rendez-vous ensemble chaque jour pour tromper l’ennui. Concepts douteux et invitĂ©s mystĂšre sont Ă  prĂ©voir dans les jours qui viennent. Courage et prenez soin de vous #ensembleĂ lamaison â€ȘLet’s meet everyday around 6pm CET on my Instagram. I’ll find a way to deal with the ENNUI. Guests and weird concepts included‬. Today : @bastien__d @_melissambre_ @vincent.taurelle

Shakespeare Sonnets by Sir Patrick Steward


It has led me to undertake what follows. When I was a child in the 1940s, my mother would cut up slices of fruit for me (there wasn’t much) and as she put it in front of me she would say: „An apple a day keeps the doctor away.“ How about, “A sonnet a day keeps the doctor away”? So…here we go: Sonnet 1.